
Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Joyous celebration
The Tshwane University of Technology, Soshanguve north campus is full of singing dancing and joy as students showcase their cultural dances.  There is a great deal of happiness and understanding as cultures which are performing are on stage. Zulus, Tsongas and Venda students took part while the other cultures stood back and didn’t want to showcase their traditional dances. The university hosted the ceremony in order to install the spirit of togetherness to the student and to instigate unity and love for different cultures. The Zulus stole the show as they sang and dance with their masses and the crowd was overwhelmed.
“South Africa is a rainbow nation, yet only three cultures in our university are proud of where they come from. This is supposed to be an event of magnitude, but only three cultures prevail today”. Said Phathutshedzo Mudau a first year student who is doing language practice at the south campus Soshanguve. The event lasted for three and a half hours, and the two hours was for the Zulu. They are proud of their culture and their ancestors.  The Tsonga came out and challenged them with some poetry and they came back with an outstanding rhyme of words and the event was just magical. The Vendas showcased their Venda rumba and it took the breath of others. Cultural diversity was emphasized and the event ended well as the student joined the stage and danced together irrespective of what their culture is. “I am glad that I was able to see the Zulu dance with my naked eyes, I used to see these dances and songs on TV. It’s like a dream come true” Said Eugene Masebe, a third year public relation student. “I can organize an event like this someday, this is magical”.
Raymond Hlungwani almost stole the show as he went in to the stage and reflected the true dances of a proud Tsonga. The crowd loved him and begged for more as he was leaving the stage. It was an event of great intensity. Cultural diversity is what we need to build a nation which is big and strong; this can only start from the youth who are the future.

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