
Monday, 14 March 2011

heal my broken heart

It is a normal feeling, why shouldn’t I be worried, when every step you take, takes you further and further away from me. The world is full of troubles, trickery, pain, deception and temptations, but not in my yard. I wonder why the fuck this whole bullshit is always on your plate. You want it all, that’s for sure. Is like you tend to curse my love and fuck up my life anytime you get the chance. If you do not understand how much I love you by now, you will never know what love is. My heart beats for you, and every time it pumps, it’s like a venomous thorn right in the temple of my soul.
I wish life was like a tape I could rewind and re- record. Why is your love so boisterous? Is it a play or a drama of some sort? If this is a game, I will play no more. I wish someday I will get the opportunity to finally lose a tear of joy when I think of you. I’m tired of this unsatisfying human degrading parasitic love of yours. I am willing to take a chance of losing you, preferably forever, before you take away the little pride that I have left.
They call you a sexy, beautiful chick, all of them. Even the closest soul to me spells it out to me. I say you are a bimbo, yes beautiful but unintelligent. You say you love me yet you take away every little joy that I work for. Sometimes I pinch myself in your presence wishing all this catastrophic were only a bad dream, a very bad dream. I subjected myself to a nightmare the first time I laid my eyes on you. I ask myself, why did cupid have to be so cruel? Why did god abandon me? Why the fuck did my ancestors forsake me?
I wish I could just defy the odds of gravity and fly away, to a place where my first grade teacher told me about, a place where every priest, true or fake, they talk about it. A very famous place written in the scriptures, yes that’s heaven. I do not know if it is the right way but I am prepared to do the inevitable. I will break this chain of our so called bond. Even the strongest chain has got a weak spot and I will find it come rain come sun shine.
You will torment yourself when the rain cloud gathers. The only reason you are in my heart is because of hatred and rage that I have towards you. You are one sick mother fucker. You pretend to be an angel when you are a demon sent straight from hell to end lives. I guess that’s one of the main reasons why you sleep with every guy who falls for your traps. Hopefully I will see the rainbow at the end of this heavy stormy rain of terror, there will be justice. The big guy upstairs will never leave his children in darkness.
For how long shall I kneel down to your empty threats? I like to be uncommon if I like, but it doesn’t mean that I lack qualities. I am a human being, why can’t you behave like one. Whatever you may conceive this world to be, better look before you leap because it might blind you on what virtue there is in this world. Whatever you do, the birds will still sing, the plants will still be green and yes tomorrow the sun will shine as ever.
Enjoy all your labors and aspirations and whether or not it is clear to you I am human with feeling and I do have a right to be loved. I am the child of the earth and it owes me a lot that you can’t offer so see you when life rejects you and death offer you a lift, to hell. So long, I wish very long. I wish forever and eternity could work hand in hand to prevent you from seeing me. Thanks, thank you for leaving and I accept your broken heart. Bad bye……………………………..

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