Wednesday, 9 March 2011


 Investigation on online news journalism that exists today in South Africa
What I discovered and also learned in online news is that news is all about immediacy. Online journalism is all about living fast and knowing more in a short space of time. The style is good and the layout is supposed to attract readers’ eyes. The layout makes one to stay glued to that particular site and you always get news as quickly as possible. More and more people in South Africa and nation wide are getting internet access hence online journalism is growing and the print as we know it is getting smaller and smaller by the day.
Whether or not it is clear to you, online journalism is taking over, and I say this with reference to what I discovered doing my research. Most of Americans and Europeans are embarking more and more on online journalism yet, some publications are closing. Online journalism is nature friendly and inexpensive and not limited to certain places, it is everywhere unlike newspapers that are sold on specific places on a particular prices.
Online news is immediate in a sense that it can be updated every time and more and more news comes in from different parts of the world. It doesn’t have targeted readers as you know that everyone who has internet access can get the kind of news that he/she wants. South Africa is one of those country in which the media is being engulfed by online journalism. In terms of the pros and cons, in my opinion, comes first. The layout is very great just like the
 Media houses which deals with print are losing more and more journalists because of online news. These respective sites are very good in terms of layout in online journalism:,  and
 I researched about news different websites in South Africa and I chose three most popular which I am going to discuss about. is a very good website for print news. The layout is very outstanding and the picture quality is the best compared to sites such as and The news is good and immediate it is a very good site that serves the world with news of quality. is of course a well known site as the sac is a very huge company. I can’t say that I am impressed by the layout. It is so formal and so serious, the pictures are of quality but the layout is not that great. is a very good site in terms of layout and pictures and videos. The sac’s videos are good but take time to load.
There is a huge demand of news all over the world. The amazing thing about online is that you get to experience the oddity within the story. The videos and news pictures shows the news event in a good way.
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